About Modal_

_of or relating to mode, manner, or form
_ Philosophy: pertaining to a mode of a thing, as distinguished from one of its basic attributes or from its substance or matter
_Logic: exhibiting or expressing some phase of modality

For MODAL, design is generated following a pattern [ mode ] emanating from a main concept, which incloses our basic principles, i.e. functionality_sustainability_purity,
and is identified by the individuality of each case-study.

MODAL designs and delivers high quality architectural spaces, exclusively designed &
pre-designed special constructions and products, under the moto:

Founded in 2015 | Based in Athens


Mainly inspired by the Modern Movement, Scandinavian and Asian design, our design principles are based on structural, functional and material honesty.

Remaining faithful to geometry, our forms intend to serve the design's primary function, while affected by the use of local natural materials, selected on the base of their properties.

The light colours allow the objects to remain subtle and warm. The intricateness of the handmade design is combined with the treatment of the object as an individual design unit.

Finally, the asian irregularity and freedom from formula are introduced to transcend convention and control balance, while retaining an overall tranquility.


Our approach reflects a product life-cycle addressing the impacts of manufacturing, use, recycling and reuse of each design.
All of our products are made of recyclable, biodegraded and non-toxic materials, with easily disassembled parts and, at the same time, low-energy construction procedures.
Sustainability is one of the key parameters in contemporary design with a view to the future, featuring eco-sound materials, energy efficiency, easy recycling and more.
For us in MODAL, presenting an innovative and smart design in affinity with nature, is a great challenge.